June 1, 2020

Volunteers’ Week – Nye’s story

Today we’re celebrating the contribution of Nye Jones who has been with us for almost a year.

Held annually from 1–7 June, Volunteers’ Week is a time to celebrate the invaluable contribution made by our supporters. Here at CPSL Mind, we simply wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without our amazing volunteers, who are an essential part of our organisation.

Today we’re celebrating the contribution of Nye Jones who has been with us for almost a year. Nye volunteers as part of our Communications Team, writing stories for our bi-monthly newsletter, updating our website and supporting in numerous other ways. Here, Nye has written his own piece about his time volunteering with us:

“Becoming a volunteer at CPSL Mind and getting to know those involved with the charity has hugely broadened my horizons. I believe that mental health is a universal concern and that hearing the stories of other people who have experienced problems can benefit us all.

My motivation for volunteering came from several conversations I had with friends and family around a year ago. At the time, I was interested in getting some more experience of charity work and developing my writing skills. I have always been interested in mental health and, after hearing about the great work they were doing locally, I knew CPSL Mind was the right choice for me.

Having already volunteered with the homeless charity Emmaus UK and the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, I was aware of how enriching and fun it was to give up some time for a good cause. I was really keen for my time at CPSL Mind to continue this positive experience and I haven’t been disappointed!

Generally based in the Cambridge office, my role involves providing support for Campaigns and Communications. I produce written content for our online channels and also have many other opportunities to get involved with the team. From the beginning everyone has been very inclusive, making me feel that my contributions are valued. I have had frequent contact with people from throughout the organisation and have found it a really positive and supportive environment.

I usually volunteer on Mondays, but I can also fit the work around my other commitments. Every week is different, and I really enjoy getting new opportunities to learn, whether by researching an article, making changes to the website or attending team meetings. I’ve particularly valued the chance to increase my technical skills and use new communications tools.

At a time of increased stress and uncertainty, I think it’s really important to keep spreading the message of mental wellbeing. This is particularly true for people who will inevitably feel isolated and lonely due to the conditions imposed by Covid-19. Volunteering is also more important than ever, and we are seeing people everywhere give up their time to help others in huge numbers.

If anyone is considering becoming a volunteer, I would fully encourage them to go for it. Helping a charity like CPSL Mind is a great opportunity for personal growth and giving something back. Overall, the experience of volunteering makes you feel like you’re making a positive difference – and that’s a great feeling!”

If you are interested in volunteering opportunities, then we’d love to talk to you!

Please visit our volunteering page for more information.

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